Department of Trade Development and Promotion - The following are the functions of the Department of Trade Development and Promotion: -
- Formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations for supporting the development and promotion of commercial registration and licensing, and international trade, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises development, internal trade development and regional and international trade development
- Issuing and reviewing commercial registration, business licensing, commercial representation, tread name registration and renewal of commercial registration and licensing service
- Cancelling the commercial registration, trade name and license service
- Issuing consultancy and information service related to commercial registration and license for the customer
- Protecting the trade sector from detrimental and unfair activities by appropriately organizing the systems of commercial registration and business licensing
- Overseeing the statutory obligations of the registries of companies and other legal entities to protect trade and industry in Somaliland
- Organizing overall data of registration and license in modern technology to make them suitable for data management
- Managing and overseeing commercial registry and trade agents register
- Reviewing trade agency contracts to ensure they meet standards
- Overseeing the statutory obligations of the registries of companies and other legal entities to protect trade and industry in Somaliland
- Promotion of internal trade development and regional and international trade development
- Coordination of trade negotiations and provision of business advisory services in internal trade and regional and international trade development
- Creation of opportunities for state and local communities to meet with regional and international trade development
- Establishment and expansion of the collaboration and cooperation with the business community about pressing regional and international trade development
- Exploration of regional trade opportunities with regional states
- Promotion of the rights of citizens to participate in the economy of Somaliland
- Set standards to regulate fair competitive practices to promote a level playing field in all trade
- Coordinate promotion of retail and wholesale markets, provision of business registration services, export of goods and services and promoting and enforcing fair trade practices
- Coordinating internal trade development and regional and international trade development matters with respective organizations and bodies
- Coordinating trade negotiations and providing business advisory services to support internal trade development and regional and international trade development
- Preparation and implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget for the department.
- Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and tools for the Department
- Preparation and implementation of the capacity development for all staff based on the needs assessment and in-line with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) guidelines and requirements.
- Preparation of the annual financial estimates in consultation with the heads of sections
- Coordinating the formulation of the department’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring
The department is divided into four sections which include the Registration and Licensing, SME Development, Internal Trade Development and Regional an International Trade Development Sections. The following table provides the functions for each of the sections: -
Registration and Licensing Section
SME Development Section
Internal Trade Development Section
Regional and International Trade Development
Registration and Licensing Section
- Licensing information kit
- Licensing forms
- New registration forms
- Revenue registration form
- Fees collection
- Reviewing of policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations for commercial registration, licensing, commercial agency and companies’ controls
- Proposing and implementing policies and strategies for commercial registration, licensing, commercial agency and business controls
- Formulating commercial registration, licensing, commercial agency and business controls framework and programmes in line with established policies strategies
- Implementing the commercial registration, licensing, commercial agency and business controls framework and programmes
- Protecting the trade sector from detrimental and unfair activities by appropriately organizing the systems of commercial registration including standard documentation required
- Implementing the issuance of commercial registration, representation, tread name registration and renewal of commercial registration
- Undertaking the cancelation of commercial registration, trade name in line with the law
- Conducting consultancy and information service for commercial registration for the customer
- Organizing overall data of registration and licenses in modern technology in order to make them suitable for data management
- Implementing policies related to commercial registration, trade agents and commercial entities in Somaliland
- Managing the commercial registry and trade agents register in Somaliland
- Controlling the trade and industry unfair practices by implementing the systems of commercial licensing and certification
- Providing business licensing, renewal of business licensing and cancellation of business license services
- Arranging consultancy and information service for business
- license for the customers
- Reviewing commercial license applications and managing the approval of licenses
- Reviewing trade agency contracts to ensure they meet standards
- Implementing terms and conditions related to the principle of reciprocity for countries exporting goods and commodities that have approved local agents
- Managing and enforcing the statutory obligations of the registries of companies and other legal entities to protect trade and industry in Somaliland
- Monitor the implementation of commercial registration, licensing, commercial agency and business controls policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations and programmes in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Commercial Registration and Licensing Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring
SME Development Section
- Reviewing of the policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations for supporting the development of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Somaliland
- Proposing and implementing policies and strategies for the MSMEs
- Preparing the MSMEs strategies, framework and programmes in line with established policies for implementation
- Implementing the MSMEs strategies, framework and programmes for the Ministry
- Developing and implementing of programmes for supporting MSMEs policy development and advocacy, industry/sector focus, training and capability development to improve sectors productivity and competitiveness, business incubation, access to finance, market access and business development services
- Organizing and providing industrial skill training for MSMEs capacity building in value addition industries
- Reviewing existing financial mechanisms and formulating proposals for MSMEs financing
- Facilitating access to finance for the development of MSMEs including Savings and Credit Co-operatives and other arrangements
- Allocating adequate technical and financial resources for MSMEs growth and development
- Carry out activities to enhance the capability of MSMEs
- Providing support services to existing small and medium industries in promotion and development of new or existing products
- Providing information and assistance in technology sourcing of equipment and machines for small and medium scale industries
- Providing business advisory services to MSMEs to enhance their competitiveness, growth and development
- Monitoring the implementation of MSMEs policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the MSMEs Development Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring
Internal Trade Development Section
- Reviewing and proposing policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations for supporting internal trade development
- Formulating internal trade development strategies, framework and programmes in line with policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations
- Implementing the strategies, framework and programmes to support the development of internal trade
- Conducting research on internal trade development and disseminating research reports
- Coordinating collection of data, analysis and dissemination of internal trade development information
- Develop programmes for promoting distribution, wholesale and retail trade and markets
- Developing consumer protection regulations to spur internal trade development
- Establishing business premises rent tribunal to arbitrate on business premises including assessment of rent, re-possession of premises by landlords, distress for rent by landlords and hearing and determination of general complaints in controlled tenancies
- Supporting the training and development of indigenous managers and entrepreneurs in practical management and business skills in trade sector
- Organize internal trade development conferences and exhibitions
- Monitoring the implementation of internal trade development policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the section
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Internal Trade Development Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring
Regional and International Trade Development
- Reviewing and proposing policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations for supporting the regional and international trade development
- Formulating regional and international trade development strategies, framework and programmes in line with policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations
- Implementing the strategies, framework and programmes to support the regional and international trade development
- Conducting research on regional and international trade development and disseminating research reports
- Coordinating collection of data, analysis and dissemination of regional and international trade development information
- Promoting and coordinating bilateral, regional and multilateral trade relations, negotiations and trade
- Performing policy analysis and research on regional and international trade development
- Co-coordinating membership, negotiations, dispute settlement and other trade matters with relevant international organizations and regional bodies in line with regional and international trade development policies
- Analyzing global trade, economic trends and emerging socio- economic issues and disseminating relevant business information to the business community
- Organizes international trade conferences and exhibitions for promoting regional and international trade development
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Internal Trade Development Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring