Department of Human Resources Management
The following are the functions of the Department of Human Resource Management: -
- Maintains management guidelines by preparing, updating, and recommending human resource policies and procedures.
- Ensures that HR strategies are developed and properly planned to support improvement in employee performance in the Ministry
- Develops and implements progressive career structures and reward systems for employees to enhance employee motivation and retention in the Ministry
- Ensures implementation of professional recruitment and retention policies by: (i) implementing compensation policies and operational processes that reward employee efforts; (ii) improving communication with employees; (iii) improving operational effectiveness of the HR unit and contributing to the overall effectiveness of the organization; and (iv) developing and implementing training programs that support employees career development and sustained progression in the organization and the civil service.
- Provides MoCIT development and management services support to ensure continuous reforms in the ministry including timely changes to organizational structures, creation of new functions and abolishing of redundant functions, and recommending appropriate staffing requirements that are consistent with the mandate of the organization.
- Develops and implements MoCIT ’s performance management and staff appraisal system
- Prepares employees for assignments by establishing and conducting orientation and training programs.
- Maintains human resource staff job results by counselling and disciplining employees, planning, monitoring, and appraising job results.
- Maintains historical human resource records by designing a filing and retrieval system, keeping past and current records.
- Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks, participating in professional societies.
- Completes human resource operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees, following up on work results
- Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
- Coordinating employee performance and appraisal management in line with the national development goals and MoCIT’s national action plans.
- Preparation and implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget for the department.
- Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and tools for the Department
- Preparation and implementation of the capacity development for all staff based on the needs assessment and in-line with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) guidelines and requirements.
- Preparation of the annual financial estimates in consultation with the heads of sections
- Coordinating the formulation of the department’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring.
The department is divided into three sections which include the Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, Staff Performance and Appraisal and Talent Management Sections.
Human Resource Development Section
- Strategic coordination and implementation of Human Resource Development matters in line with MoCIT mission and vision.
- Oversee the management of Human Resource management function involving facilitation of employee resourcing, development and maintenance
- Demonstrate leadership in HR Development matters.
- Motivate and inspire staff towards good performance.
- Effective alignment of HR policies for the realization of MoCIT mission and vision.
- Timely provision of support services that make staff focused on performance target attainment.
- Efficient and effective resource mobilization to support HR activities.
- Implementing progressive staff welfare programmes and policies
- Develop mentoring and coaching sessions for MoCIT employees
- Build succession plans
- Design MoCIT employee promotion policies
- Discuss career-pathing options with high-potential for MoCIT employees
- Boost MoCIT employee morale by implementing performance-based bonuses
- Conduct skills gap analyses to determine personnel needs
- Create organizational charts and define each position’s responsibilities
- Organize quarterly and annual performance review sessions
- Manage department’s budget
- Perform benchmark analyses of compensation and benefits
- Provide team members with direction for leadership and development initiatives
- Oversee sourcing and hiring procedures to ensure we attract and select high-potential employees
- Monitoring the human resources development policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Human Resource Development Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring.
Human Resource Management Section
- Develop, review and or update human resource management policies and procedures and ensure they are effective, efficient, fair and transparent.
- Develop, review and or update human resource policies and procedures for recruitment and management of MoCIT staff
- Ensure a complete orientation package is in place and that all staff are oriented on time.
- Assess staffing needs as required. Identify and recruit new and replacement staff including scheduling of contract extensions, new contracts, and necessary terminations in collaboration with CSC
- Ensure pertinent organograms, contact lists, and information flow lines are constantly updated and widely shared.
- Ensure operational plans and budgets include a plan for human resources management
- Ensure that security measures are practiced and enforced to maintain as possible a safe and secure working/ living environment for staff.
- Ensure all staff understands individual and collective responsibilities for safety and security
- Monitoring the human resources management policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Human Resource Management Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitorin.
Staff Performance and Appraisal Section
- Develop, review and or update performance and appraisal management policies, procedures and guidelines to ensure that they are adequate
- Develop and implement Results Based Management Performance Framework that linking national goals with MoCIT’s vision, mission, mandate, core values and departmental functions with clear employee’s competence and behavioral based performance indicators
- Sensitizing the MoCIT employees on the objectives of the Results Based Management Performance Framework
- Generating results matrix which will clearly map the MoCIT’s performance outcomes in line with MoCIT’s Annual Action Plans to ensure that employees’ performance is linked to national development goals and priorities.
- Supporting the employees and supervisors to prepare employee’s individual action plan clearly specifying the key results they expect to deliver over the annual planning cycle.
- Guiding the employees and supervisors to prepare employee’s performance contracts in line with MoCIT’s result matrix and employee’s individual action plan
- Overseeing the submission of employees’ performance reports and undertaking of required amendment to performance contracts
- Reviewing, developing and issuing MoCIT’s performance appraisal guidelines
- Monitoring the employee performance and appraisal policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Staff Performance and Appraisal Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring.
Talent Management Section
- Developing and institutionalizing talent management programmes in the Ministry
- Advising the Director General on the required policies and procedures for talent management including employees’ selection, placement to line with civil service training and development
- Coordinating the performance and evaluation of talent programmes in n the Ministry
- Assessing the talent of employees in the Ministry
- Arranging performances or publicity events for sourcing talents in the learning institutions etc.
- Attracting and retaining talents within the Ministry in line with requirements of Civil Service
- Undertaking performance evaluation of talents in the Ministry
- Reviewing, developing and issuing Ministry’s talent management guidelines
- Monitoring the talent management policies, procedures, guidelines, legislation and regulations in line with the mandate of the Ministry
- Implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget in the Talent Management Section
- Formulation of the Section’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring