The mandate of the Department
- Ensuring the adequate provision of administrative and Financial support to all departments of the Ministry.
- Coordinating the implementation of financial procurement, and records management policies, procedures, and systems
- Coordinating the preparations of the ministry’s annual financial and procurement plans budgets and monitoring their implementations
- Supervising the installation and implementation of appropriate financial management and internal control systems to minimize risk and fraud
- Overseeing the procurement and contract management functions of the ministry
- Assessing the financial impact on the implementation of the ministry work plans and budgets
- Overseeing annual financial audits and adequate management responses to audit queries are provided.
- Ensuring effectiveness and functionality of records management system including general confidential and personal records.
- Overseeing the general welfare and disciple of the ministry staff in accordance with civil service rules and regulations and security policy of the ministry
- Coordinating the recording of minutes of the ministry staff and management meetings
- Effectively and efficiently managing logistics and other physical assets of the ministry
- Developing and maintaining corporate estate plans and ensuring cleanliness, sanitation, and hygiene controls of ministry premises
- Coordinating the development and implementation of departmental staff training plans
- Preparation and implementation of annual work plans and budget
- Coordinating the formulation of the department’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting, and monitoring.
Department of admin and finance comprises of these sections
- Managing the financial accounting and reporting systems, taking into account the changing accounting and reporting needs of the ministry and allied stakeholders
- Preparing and maintaining yearly budgets and forecast; to ensure that fellow directors have appropriate training to prepare budgets for their area of specific budget responsibility, and accept accountability for their maintenance
- Preparing detailed monthly management accounts across all departments of the ministry
- Monitoring actual performance against budget on a monthly basis and reporting on variances
- Producing statutory accounts and any other reports required by the ministry
- Ensuring that the ministry’s accounts and accounting systems are maintained in accordance with Somaliland accounting standards and compliant with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance
- Maintaining schedules and records of all/any hire purchase agreements; records of all financial agreements; records of all loans
- Developing detailed terms of reference for administrative and finance departments as well as individual staff.
- Conducting a capacity assessment of the current departments as well as the ministry
- Developing administrative, financial, and procurement processes and procedures in line with best practices.
- Coaching key staff members up to a level of competency to be able to competently perform senior roles in the unit.
Procurement Section
- Planning, organizing, and coordinating the procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, and services for the ministry
- Developing, implementing, and monitoring a procurement plan for the ministry
- Advising on the appropriate procurement methods to be used for procurement of goods and consultancy services
- Managing the procurement process and ensuring all procurement activities comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures of stakeholder ministries
- Managing operational procurement activities processing including drafting procurement plans, bidding documents, adverts, request for quotations; procedures in issuing BDs, procedures in shortlisting suppliers for invitations for quotations, receipt of bids/quotations, the opening of bids/quotations, evaluation of bids/quotations, preparation of evaluation reports and draft contract agreements.
Archives and Records Management
- Identifying and preserving records of long-term value
- Managing and providing access to the Archives
- Controlling management of files and updating the file index both manually and electronically for easy retrieval and monitoring of file movement
- Ensuring the security of information and files by participation in the development of filing procedures, verification, and evaluation of filing systems
- Ensuring compliance with applicable legal and administrative requirements pertaining to records management
- Dispatching of mails from the department to mail office and ensuring it is addressed to the designated recipient
- Appraising records for disposal in accordance with the archive policy of the ministry and following up on the process of disposal of records and data
- Dealing with inquiries and requests for information from both internal and external clients with regard to records management Section
- Preparing annual, monthly, and weekly reports on the records held under the custody of the records Section
- Administering records management programs and providing recommendation on matters relating to records management of ministry documents
- Providing training on the records system at the ministry to staff deployed in registries outside the Section and those handling records
- Providing input on the departmental annual work plan for the registry
- Establishing policies and standards regarding records management.
Administration Section
- Coordinating general administration, staff services, policies, systems, and procedures at the ministry
- Overseeing the management of central records function, transport services, telephone services, mail offices services, library services, and pool production/photocopy services within the ministry
- Ensuring general administration, coordination, and supervision
- Enforcing implementation of transport policy and related transport matters
- Managing the office building, lease, security, and safety measures
- Handling disciplinary matters concerning drivers and support staff for the ministry
- Ensuring that all assets including infrastructure and equipment through the provision of up-to-date specifications, evaluation, and inspection to ensure that only appropriate assets are procured for the ministry.
- Overseeing the installation and commissioning of new equipment
- Supervising service contracts for the sophisticated assets equipment
- Coordinating and regulating donation of assets to the ministry
- Assessing and recommending obsolete assets for boarding
- Conducting user training to staff on the correct and safe operation of various assets
- Developing and updating the ministry‘s physical assets register
- Monitoring the transportation budget to ensure funds are properly utilized
- Supervising drivers ‘performance and allocating driver assignment s
- Ensuring compliance with safety standards, and maintaining all vehicles in top working order.