The Vision for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism is to have a nation whose citizens enjoy dynamic and sustained economic growth, leading with world-class Manufacture, enterprises, innovative and productive Small and Micro Enterprises and best tourism destination.
The Mission for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism is to facilitate the creation of business enabling environment and infrastructure for accelerated growth of local and international trade, formulation and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable industrialization to mitigate poverty, stimulate job creation and enhancing Somaliland’s international competitiveness and enhancement of the tourism sector as key engine of social-economic growth in Somaliland.
The objective of the ministry is to unsure effective trade facilitation and improved tourism sector for enhanced economic growth
Mandates and Core Functions
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism is mandated to formulate economic sector legal and regulatory framework, create business enabling environment, establish a system that enables to ascertain that import and goods are sold at the appropriate price and make follow ups, develop and implement business demarcation strategy, integrate Somaliland into the regional and international economy, undertake price studies relating to basic commodities and services that have to be under price control and control the qualities of export and import of goods that do not conform with the required standards in collaboration with the concerned government sectors including the Quality Control Commission.
- To formulate and harmonize policies that will ensure implementation of trade, industrial and Tourism policies both at national and global levels
- Promoting and facilitating Somaliland’s internal and export trade with emphasis on diversification, business classification and value-addition
- Improve entrepreneurial skills, technological capabilities and accessibility to credit and markets
- To develop programs and activities for institutional capacity building to meet the challenges of the national and global markets
- To facilitate the development of the production base and Expansion of cross-border trade.
- To collect, collate process, store and disseminate timely and accurate information for stakeholders.
- To facilitate private sector access to capital.
- To ensure that private sector development programs are complementary and cover broad range of needs.
- To encourage and facilitate the provision of public service by the private sector.